Long Time No Update!

It's been awhile! I've been away the past couple months attending to some family emergencies, but now I'm back and ready to roll!

> New Velineon Power System by Traxxas!

Traxxas just came out with a new brushless power system that can reach speeds over 70mph! It's pretty revolutionary technology and it's compatible with brushed, brushless, and sensored brushless motors.

The Velineon VXL-3s ESC and the Velineon 3500 Brushless Motor is sure to be top competitors and is bought for roughly $300 USD. You can watch a video traxxas has set up here to see all the cool features they have.

> RC Video of an HPI Savage With Some Fireworks Attached!

This is hilarious. Some guys attach some fireworks to their Savage - do not attempt! (or do, it's really up to you!)


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